Monthly Archives: June 2014

Step 21

Nothing really big happened in the last while.. I changed host families and I am very very happy where I am now and started with school again. I am really happy to be back at school again because I really missed my crazy friends J

Most of my exchange friends are leaving and going back to their home countries and that breaks my heart because I don’t want to lose them! You leave your family you have known forever for one year and then you leave your friends you have known for 10 months for forever. Very hard thing to do believe me, but I just keep faith that I will see them again.

So today my post will be about you know you are a Thai exchange student when…

I am going to start with school because it seems like you spend 80% of your exchange at school. I go to school from 7:30 to 3:20 5 days a week and some days it’s amazing and some days it’s horrible but I would not give up my friends for anything in the world

You know you are a Thai exchange student when…

–          When you get used to sleeping at school because you have nothing better to do

–          When you start mumbling the words to the morning prayers you need to stand through every morning even though you don’t know what you’re saying

–          When you get used to people saying “my name is?” instead of What is your name?

–          When you think you school has the best food in the world

–          When every English teacher in the school asked you for your opinion

–          When students ask you the weirdest questions in the world like you know everything in the world and don’t understand when you don’t know the answer

–          When you get used to absolute madness in classrooms

Next are people because well, you spend all day everyday surrounded by Thai people. They are so strange but so friendly and you get used to seeing their love in things like the food they make for you and not normal tokens of affection.

You know you are a Thai exchange student when…

–          When you get used to people saying things that would be considered very rude in your country

–          When you say Ka/Krap when people speak without thinking about it

–          When you are used to people taking 20 million pictures a day

–          When you expect people to be at least 20 min late to everything

–          When seeing 4 people on one scooter seems normal

–          When politics being part of almost every conversation seems normal to you

–          When you get used to not getting any hugs for people

–          When you get used to people being SO VERY loud

Food is something you just need to mention when you are on exchange in Thailand. When you think of Thailand you think of food and that’s just the way it is

You know you are a Thai exchange student when…

–          When you get used to eating all day everyday

–          When you get used to everything being 3X sweeter than it should be

–          When you say all types of food are good and you only say it’s very good if it’s actually good

–          When you get used to the fact that you have spicy food for breakfast

–          When you go to rotary meetings only because you know they have good food

–          When you are okay with the fact that you don’t always know what you are eating

–          When you easily eat food you never would of risked eating before you came to Thailand

Last I have just got some weird things I noticed and they might not even really make sense unless you are a Thai exchange student but they are all very true

You know you are a Thai exchange student when…

–          When you are used to smiling and nodding pretending you understand what people are saying

–          When you can sleep anywhere in any position

–          When spending the tinniest amount of money seems like spending a fortune

–          When you feel strange if you walk into a room with your shoes on

–          When you get used to people staring and pointing (or having a fan club as my friends call it) at you just because you are not Asian

–          When you get excited about seeing other foreigners  or hearing people speak English

–          When you start thinking 24°C requires a jacket

–          When you start walking around with your own toilet paper knowing the bathrooms won’t have

–          When you look for any reason to see the other exchange students

–          When you get used to wondering what people are saying about you

–          When it seems normal that people seem stuck to their cell phones

All these things took some time to get used to and I’m not sure if you can ever fully get used to them but I do know for sure that I will miss some of these things when I go back to my home country.